Prof. Kumar Sarangee of Santa Clara’s Leavey School of Business invited Rich Mironov to be a guest lecturer for his Product Market Planning and Strategy class. SCU’s Evening MBA program attracts some of the brightest students from the Valley, with a tradition of providing leadership back to technology companies.
What: Lecture and discussion of technology product management, software pricing, and product roadmaps.
Class: Product Market Planning and Strategy (MBA / MKTG 572).
Where: Lucas Hall, Santa Clara University
When: Thursday, January 7
This talk included a quick overview of what product managers are (what they do), how to think about pricing for software and non-physical goods, and an introduction to roadmapping.
Product Management Basics (for SCU MBA program) from Rich MironovView more presentations from Rich Mironov.
Course Description:
New product development (NPD) is critically important for the successful performance of all organizations. However, NPD is a risky endeavor and many new products fail in the marketplace, despite a huge expenditure in money, time and resources. Hence, managers need to develop a comprehensive understanding of the design, development and marketing of new products and services.
In this course, Prof. Sarangee focuses on both quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques associated with researching and analyzing new product opportunities and then designing, testing, and introducing new products and services. It is especially tailored for professional managers who are interested in innovation, new product development and entrepreneurship.