Organizations • 6 min read Product Management is Inherently Political Recently, I had lunch with a bright young product manager trying to perfect the process for deciding which features to…
Organizations • 4 min read Growing Back into Management There’s a funny paradox about joining a tiny company and helping it grow. If part of its attractiveness is…
Organizations • 4 min read Growing Back into Management There’s a funny paradox about joining a tiny company and helping it grow. If part of its attractiveness is…
Market Thinking • 3 min read Girls Getting a Head Start(-Up) Most founders of VC-backed start-ups tend toward technical degrees, MBAs and forty-something gray hair – with a strong male bias. Here…
Market Thinking • 4 min read Risk-Sharing and Customer-Perceived Value Whenever customers buy your product or service, there’s a leap of faith that they will get value from you.…
Organizations • 4 min read Why are there Serial Entrepreneurs? From the outside, it might seem that joining a fledgling start-up should only be about economics and the big payoff:…
Pricing • 4 min read Sales-Friendly Price Lists Price lists are never quite current enough, sufficiently detailed, or cover enough of the awkward special situations that customers raise.…
Market Thinking • 5 min read Insider Thinking Product managers and other product champions spend a lot of their time driving internal processes and decisions — the daily incremental…
Organizations • 5 min read Where Should PM Report? A perennial problem for Product Management (PM) is finding the right organizational home. In companies large enough to have a…
Organizations • 5 min read Parenting and the Art of Product Management Over the years, I’ve told variations of this story many times: being a product champion is a lot like…
Market Thinking • 3 min read The Roadmap Less Traveled Every tech start-up struggles to create a roadmap: that short set of PowerPoint slides which defines the next six quarters…
Organizations • 4 min read The "Null Service" As customers get more interested in hosted services and ASPs, a lot of product teams are re-conceiving their packaged software…